تجدوا هنا رايتنج عن عيد الميلاد Writing about Christmas مقدم من منصةأفدنيالتعليمية المنهاج العماني 2023/2024م وزارة التربية والتعليم
رايتنج عن عيد الميلاد Writing about Christmas :
Christmas is a happy and special occasion celebrated by many cultures and religions around the world. Birthday is a day when people celebrate their birth anniversary and celebrate life and happiness. Christmas celebrations are diverse and different from one culture to another. In some cultures, homes are decorated with lights and ornaments, a Christmas tree is placed, and decorated with balls, lights, and gifts. Gifts are also exchanged between friends and family and sweets and delicious food are served. In some cultures, large parties are held and friends and family are invited to celebrate the occasion. Food, sweets and drinks are served, and the birthday cake is cut and distributed to attendees..Christmas is also a time for reflection and reflection. On this day, a person can celebrate what he has achieved over the past year and set new goals for the coming year. A person can also feel grateful and appreciate the people who love and care about him. Christmas is also a time for connection and balance. On this day, people can...
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النشرة التوجيهية في مادة الرياضيات
النشرة التوجيهية لمادة المهارات الموسيقية
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صفحات التواصل الاجتماعي التفاعلية للمنهاج العماني