تقدم لكم منصة أفدني التعليمية برزنتيشن عن عمليات التجميل Presentation about plastic surgery مادة اللغة الانجليزية تبعا للمنهاج العماني وزارة التربية والتعليم
برزنتيشن عن عمليات التجميل Presentation about plastic surgery :
Plastic surgery
Plastic surgery Includes two types of operations , cosmetic operation and surgical operation .
In the cosmetic operation , the shape of nose , lips , skin or body is changed .on the other hand , the surgical operation fixes the shape of any injured organ like nose , bone or body .
our god creates our shapes since birth, but sometimes people like to change their out fit and they want to be in a new look.
But these people are wrong because they change something that our god made it, this is in the cosmetic surgery like but ox.
For the surgical plastic operation, the people may retain their out fit after accidents, or
قد يهمك:
الدليل الشامل في البرزنتيشن والرايتنغ والستوري في المناهج العمانية
برزنتيشن عن التلوث البيئي Presentation on environmental pollution