عبر منصة أفدني التعليمية نقدم برزنتيشن قصيرة ومتنوعة لمواضيع مختلفة، وفقاً لمقررات وزارة التربية والتعليم ومناهج سلطنة عمان.
برزنتيشنات قصيرة ومتنوعة لمواضيع مختلفة:
تحدث عن نفسك
**About Myself:**
Hello, my name is Ashraq. I come from Nizwa. I am tall with black hair and black eyes. Football is my favorite sport, but I'm not a fan of swimming. I enjoy munching on apples and bananas, but you won't catch me eating ice cream.
تحدث عن عمان
**About Oman:**
Oman is truly a beautiful country, boasting numerous enchanting places such as schools, hospitals, hotels, and parks. Muscat, the capital, is a vibrant city. Omani people, including myself, speak Arabic and traditionally wear a dishdasha and a cap.
تحدث عن رحلة او يوم إجازة
**Holiday Trip:**
During the last holiday, I visited Muscat with my family. It was a joyous time filled with beach outings, football matches, my mother's delicious cooking, and my father immersed in a good book. We had a fantastic time, and the memories will linger for a long time.
وقت الفراغ
**Free Time Activities:**
In my free time, I indulge in various activities. Reading is a passion, especially when it comes to the Holy Quran. Swimming, watching films, and assisting my mother in the kitchen also fill my leisure hours. Playing sports like football, basketball, and tennis with my brothers is another favorite pastime.
كيف تقضي يومك
**Daily Routine:**
My day typically begins at 7:00 AM with waking up, brushing my teeth, and a refreshing shower. Family breakfast is at 8:00 AM, followed by football with friends. I allocate time for reading or watching cartoons around 9:00 AM. Lunch is at noon, and the afternoon involves helping my mother. Dinner is at 7:00 PM, and I usually end the day by reading a story before bedtime at 9:00 PM.
عن العيد
**Eid Celebration:**
Eid is a delightful occasion. Early in the morning, we greet each other, don new clothes, and attend the Eid prayer. Visiting relatives, receiving Eidi (gifts/money), and returning home for a festive meal are integral parts of the day. We conclude the celebration by slaughtering goats, preparing a delicious feast, and sharing the joy with family and friends.
قد تحتاج إلى:
ملفات منهاج الفصل الأول لجميع الصفوف في سلطنة عمان
قد يهمك:
دليل الطالب للالتحاق بمؤسسات التعليم العالي سلطنة عمان
جدول المذاكرة للاختبارات النهائية لمواد الصف الحادي عشر
انضموا عبر:
تلجرام: قناة التلجرام لمناهج العمانية.
أعزائي الطلاب نسأل الله لكم بدوام التفوق والتقدم.